
Showing posts from July, 2008

Svn+Trac hosting (commercial break)

Since I do quite a lot of hobby hacking in my spare time, I've been thinking about setting up a personal server for things like version control and ticket tracking, etc. On the other hand, I don't really have a good place to keep an always-on computer in our modest apartment, what with noise, cables, cooling and such. I finally started looking around for a good hosted alternative, such as a virtual private server - but that seemed a bit like overkill for my present needs, and I'd have to set up everything myself from scratch. And sites like SourceForge and Google Code are not suitable for private projects. Eventually, I found a couple of sites such as and CVSDude , that seemed to be what I was looking for and had quite reasonable prices. In the end, I chose, because they included everything I needed (Subversion and Trac, https, and even DAV) even in the most basic plan - three Prosits for German pragmatism! I have already copied most...

Home again

This morning, I could hear only the seagulls and the wind. Now I'm listening to the neighbour's power drill. I usually appreciate urban life, but after a couple of weeks in the country, you get into a completely different groove, and you rediscover how it feels to be truly relaxed. Just in time to go back home. Sigh...

Note from a small island

A great day! Blue sky, glittering sea, a cool breeze through the treetops, and the distant cries of seagulls. Around noon, two eagles showed up circling just above the house, which finally gave me reason to pick up the camera. Some more pictures on my Flickr page .

Happiness is a warm internet connection

Yay! Thanks to this page, I managed to get a working GPRS connection under Linux (Ubuntu Hardy Heron). The only thing I had to change was to delete the line OK 'AT+CGDCONT=2,"IP",""' from the /etc/chatscripts/bluetoothconn script. Also, the script /etc/init.d/bluez-utils was in fact named /etc/init.d/bluetooth . And the blues-pin package was apparently not needed (I couldn't find it anyway). This all means that I: 1) had something to write about in this new blog of mine, and 2) I'm writing from the middle of nowhere, but it actually works, and is even not too painfully slow. Hooray!
I should probably post something here to get it over with. There, done! That wasn't so hard. I'll get back with something more useful later.